
Answer      : The cap-seller threw his cap on the ground.
(e) Question    : Where did the monkeys live ?
     Answer : The monkeys live in the tree.

12. Read the following situation. Make a request dialogue response. Use ‘would’ or ‘could’.
     You want to know about a story of monkeys to your grandfather.
Myself        : Excuse me, grandfather! Would you please tell me a story of monkey?
Grandfather    : Sure, This is a story of a cap-seller and monkeys.
Myself        : Tell me please.
Grandfather    : A cap seller was taking rest under a tree putting his basket of caps beside him. There were monkeys in the tree. They came down from the tree and took away the caps.
Myself        : Then what did the cap-seller do?
Grandfather: Suddenly, he remembered that monkeys like to imitate. So, he threw his cap on the ground. The monkeys saw it and imitated the man.
Myself        : Oh, very interesting.
Grandfather: Then the cap-seller collected all the caps.
Myself        : The story is very interesting. Thank you so much.
Grandfather    : My pleasure.

13. Rewrite the sentences with the correct form of verbs.
(a) The cap-seller ____ (sell) caps to the villagers.
(b) He ___ (sit) under a big tree to take rest.
(c) He ___ (hear) some sound above his head.
(d) The cap-seller ___ (become) very worried.
(e) The cap-seller ___ (to be) surprised.
(f) He ____ (take) off his own cap.
(g) The monkeys ___ (throw) the caps on the ground.

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